I usually spent 3-4 days just on this book alone- it has great vocabulary, and a text that works well for retelling. It also works really well in a compare and contrast with Jan Brett's The Mitten.
Day 1- We read the book, not stopping a whole bunch so the kids could appreciate the cadence of the story and just enjoy it all around. I stopped only when there were vocabulary words that greatly hindered their understanding of the text. I explained them briefly and moved on. (We will spend a lot of time on those words in days to come). We created a double bubble map to compare One Dog Canoe to the book The Mitten by Jan Brett.
Day 2- We read the book slower; taking time to talk about the vocabulary words and come up with our own definitions of them. We made and anchor chart of these vocabulary words and their definitions. I had the kids draw out one of the vocabulary words on a sticky note and adhere it to the chart, then as a class we developed definitions to go with each word.
Also on day 2, the students wrote a summary of the book. They earned a sticker on their paper by using one or more of the vocabulary words in their summary.
Day 3- We read the book again, this time with more of an emphasis on the details of the book. Who got in the boat next? We used a large canoe made of butcher paper and inserted the animals into the canoe as we read the story. Students then were given the mini-book pages and required to put them into sequential order. I love this mini-book because it is simple enough that when the students are finished putting it together the majority of the class is able to read the book.
Day 4- We read the book one final time. (Although I have placed it in a bucket where they can read it on their own, I have a feeling it will get read a lot more.) The students took a quick comprehension assessment about the book.
To grab these One Dog Canoe resources click any of the pictures on the page.

Where did you get your cute cut outs for the story?